Fakulta/součást, která program vypisuje:
Druh programu CŽV:
Programy dalšího vzdělávání pracovníků UP
Název skupiny programů, ve které je kurz realizován:
Further education of UP stuff - support for flexible forms of education and teaching competences
Vzdělávací cíle skupiny programů:
Professional development of UP staff - support for flexible forms of education and teaching competences of UP staff
Název programu/kurzu:
Speak Up! Presentation skills
Zaměření programu/kurzu:
na výkon povolání (profesně)
Anotace programu/kurzu:
The course aims at providing the attendants with skills, ideas and confidence for presenting at academic conferences. This includes how to use effective language, non-verbal communication and technical aids.
- Discussion about what makes a good presentation
- How to capture the audience
- Structure
- How to speak in a clear and effective way
- How to use Power point and similar systems to improve rather than ruin your presentation
- How to answer questions
- Practice
The course is in English.
Vzdělávací cíle programu/kurzu:
- gain the confidence and skills needed to present, including choice of expressions, the use of visual aids, and communication with participants
- have an opportunity to practice in a safe environment
Požadované předpoklady:
The LLL programme is designed for the staff of Palacký University in Olomouc
Profil absolventa:
Participants will gain the skills and confidence to present at academic conferences and other venues with confidence and in a way that will be clearly understood and appreciated.
Garant programu/kurzu:
Öbrink Markus Johan, MgA. M.A.