Program detail, dates and registration

Faculty/department which offers the programme:
Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology
Type of LLL programme:
Programy v rámci akreditovaného studijního programu
Name of group of programmes where the course is realised:
Celoživotní vzdělávání v programu teologie
Educational objectives of the group of programmes:
Doplnění studia vybraných teologických předmětů z akreditovaného studijního programu teologie.
The name of the programme:
Trvalé jáhenství
Focus of the LLL programme:
on the profession and interest
Language of the programme:
Annotation of the programme:
The Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) *Permanent Deacon* is designed to prepare graduates for deaconal ministry in liturgical service, parish catechesis, charity, diakonia, and pastoral care. This is a follow-up education program for graduates of the bachelor's degree in Theology, aimed at supplementing the intellectual preparation and theological education of candidates for permanent diaconate who will not continue with master's studies. The *Permanent Deacon* course was developed at the Faculty of Theology (CMTF) in cooperation with episcopal delegates for the preparation of candidates for permanent diaconate. It responds to the resolution of the Czech Bishops' Conference (ČBK), which considers a bachelor's degree in Theology to be sufficient education for a candidate for permanent diaconate. However, this level of study does not provide a comprehensive theological education, which is essential for performing deaconal ministry in the Church. The course will be conducted in two forms: part of it will take place online as part of follow-up master's studies in Theology, while the other part will be conducted in person.
Educational objectives of the programme:
The aim of the program is to deepen the knowledge acquired during bachelor-level theological studies in the fields of theology, canon law, liturgics, catechetics, and pastoral care. The Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) is intended to supplement the intellectual preparation and theological education of candidates for permanent diaconate who will not continue with master's studies ? see the *Guidelines for the Formation, Life, and Ministry of Permanent Deacons in the Czech Republic* from 2007 (No. 334/2007/6), Article 55: > "Intellectual formation is obtained through studies at Catholic faculties in the field of theology or by completing studies with comparable content. The number of lectures and seminars amounts to at least one thousand hours. For diaconal ministry, it is necessary to complete at least bachelor-level studies, including the final examination; for deacons employed in the Church, master's studies are recommended."
Required prerequisites:
Graduate’s profile:
Programme guarantor:
Kopeček Pavel, doc. Ing. Th.D.
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