Detail programu

Trvalé jáhenství

Fakulta/součást, která program vypisuje:
Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology
Druh programu CŽV:
Programy specializačního vzdělávání
Název skupiny programů, ve které je kurz realizován:
Programy specializačního vzdělávání
Vzdělávací cíle skupiny programů:
Cílem kurzu je prohloubení vědomostí získaných pregraduálním studiem teologického směru ve specifické oblasti pastorace nemocných a osvojení nových poznatků a praktických dovedností, které jsou nezbytným předpokladem pro získání odborné způsobilosti nemocničního kaplana.
Název programu/kurzu:
Trvalé jáhenství
Zaměření programu/kurzu:
on the profession and interest
Jazyk programu/kurzu
Anotace programu/kurzu
The Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) "Permanent Deacon" is designed to prepare graduates for diaconal ministry in the areas of liturgy, parish catechesis, charity, diakonia, and pastoral care. This program provides supplementary education for graduates of a bachelor's degree in Theology, enhancing the intellectual and theological preparation of candidates for permanent diaconate who will not continue with master's studies. The "Permanent Deacon" course was developed at the Faculty of Theology in collaboration with episcopal delegates responsible for the preparation of permanent diaconate candidates. It responds to the resolution of the Czech Bishops' Conference (ČBK), which considers a bachelor's degree in Theology sufficient education for candidates for the permanent diaconate. However, this degree does not provide the comprehensive theological education necessary for diaconal ministry in the Church. The program will be delivered in two formats: part of it will be conducted online as part of the subsequent master's program in Theology, and the other part will involve in-person attendance.
Vzdělávací cíle programu/kurzu
The aim of the program is to deepen the knowledge acquired in a bachelor's degree program in theology, focusing on theology, canon law, liturgics, catechetics, and pastoral care. The Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) is designed to supplement the intellectual preparation and theological education of candidates for the permanent diaconate who will not continue with master's studies. This is in line with the *Guidelines for the Formation, Life, and Ministry of Permanent Deacons in the Czech Republic* (2007, n. 334/2007/6), Article 55: > "Intellectual formation is obtained through studies at Catholic faculties in the field of theology or by completing studies with comparable content. The total number of lectures and seminars amounts to at least one thousand hours. For diaconal ministry, it is necessary to complete at least a bachelor's degree, including the final examination; for deacons employed in the Church, a master's degree is recommended."
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